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Raspberry Pi



Decent temp range of -25 to 80⁰C

RPi’s GPIO is 3.3V, and not 5V tolerant,V%20using%20a%20level%20shifter.

RPi 3B+





There are two issues mixed up a bit here; The internal 5V to 3,3V regulator and its capabilities (on B and B+) and The amount of current a GPIO pin can source or sink. As for how much current the 3V3 regulator can supply (through the GPIO’s or directly from the 3V3 pin), on the A and B it was a simple low drop linear regulator, meaning the difference between its input and output voltage was directly turned into heat. How much heat depends on the current drawn. It’s cooling was designed to that it could deliver approximately 50mA more that the PI itself used without overheating, any more than 50mA and you risked that the regulator would overheat and shutdown itself to protect itself.

On the B+ (and in the future on the A+) the regulator is a “switching power supply” and it doesn’t heat up, in fact the regulator probably can handle 500mA, but its still limited by a 2.1A polyfuse in the 5V input.

as for the GPIO, the A, B, B+ and A+ all use the same chip (SoC) and all the limitations are still the same, that is a maximum of 15mA per GPIO (sink or source), and a total limit of the sum of all GPIO’s of 50mA. Drawing more current through the GPIO(‘s) than that may cause damage.

RPi Compute 3b+
